Trusted by 6.500+ companies

What is Proctoring?
Proctoring involves using artificial intelligence (AI) to track, prevent, and ensure fairness in the talent evaluation process. Fraudulent activities are detected and recorded, enabling recruiters to make accurate decisions.

Purposes of Proctoring

Enhance objectivity and accurately reflect the candidate's/employee's capabilities.

Prevent fraud and accurately verify the identity of assessment participants, avoiding cases of proxy taking or assistance.

Reduce reliance on manual assessment management.

Prevent the use of tools and utilities to ensure a fair and transparent online assessment process.
Tính năng giám sát gian lận nổi bật của JobTest?

JobTest’s Outstanding Proctoring Features?
- Set up proctoring fraud monitoring adjustments according to business requirements.
- Automated proctoring technology with AI-powered support tools.
- Secure protection, data encryption, information verification through user email.
- Provides accurate data to support decision-making in candidate selection and employee evaluation.
Decode Advanced Cheating Detection Features
Accurate - Reliable - Highly Effective
User Authentication
- User image authentication.
- User information authentication.
- Fast authentication through OTP.

Screen Monitoring
- Record screen throughout the test session.
- Alert and count the number of tab switches.
- Check the number of screens used by the user before taking the test.

Webcam Monitoring
- User webcam is recorded throughout the test session.
- AI-powered camera analyzes facial expressions, body language to detect cheating.

Using Test Matrix
- Questions are customized.
- Answers and question order are shuffled according to the matrix.

Copy Prevention
- Prevent using Developer Tools.
- Disable copy shortcuts and mouse commands.

Link Access Monitoring
- Link access counter.
- Ability to limit the number of accesses as required.