Đánh giá năng lực trực tuyến


Replacing HR Guesswork by Full Talent Insights Analytics
đánh giá năng lực
  • How can I predict what different segments of my employees need and what actions to take to optimize business outcomes?
  • How do I know salary planning is aligned with our business strategy?
  • How can I bring prople into the organization so they're productive from Day 1?
  • How do I develop the next generation of leader for a more global, flexible, and diverse workforce?
  • How can I rapidly develop, deploy and optimize skills and capabilities to match emerging opportunities?

When toAssess?

Power by AI - Driven by Talent
  • Talent Acquistion
    The process of developing talent relationships forces managers to develop a more outward-looking view, staying on top of cutting-edge trends, building their company’s image and staying in sync with customer expectations.
  • Onboarding
    Many companies drastically underestimate the importance of onboarding when they hire new employees. In fact, 22% of companies have no formal onboarding program at all, while 49% only have a partially successful process.
  • Performance Management
    By analysing suc­cess­es, strengths, learn­ing from mis­takes and exam­in­ing poten­tial for growth and devel­op­ment, busi­ness­es can devel­op tal­ent, enhance indi­vid­ual per­for­mance and weed out prob­lems.
  • Talent Retention
    Effective employee retention strategies can not only improve office morale, they also ensure that your best workers will continue to work for you, not your competition.
  • Offboarding
    Offboarding is an essential part of maintaining your organization’s reputation, optimizing your current employees’ working experience, and preserving networking opportunities.

What weAssess

Our Experience & Know-How
  • Pre - Hire Assessment Highlights
    - Reduce recruiting costs and time to hire
    - Concentrate interviewing efforts on high- potential candidates
    - Drive organizational performance by increasing quality of hire
  • Post - Hire Assessment Highlights
    - Identify the mission-critical talent needed to increase business performance
    - Identify and develop potential leaders
    - Optimize individual and team performance for current and future needs

Benefit toAssess

Power by AI - Driven by Talent
đánh giá năng lực
Recruitment Quality
đánh giá năng lực
Performance Training
Jobtest provides objective and systematic assessment methods for businesses.
  • Integrating employees into company culture.
  • Effective on boarding helps employees gain the tools and knowledge they need to be productive and happy in their roles.
  • Taking the time during on boarding to help employees see all the wonderful things about your organization.